I can never decide if I like spring or fall better, how about you? Fall has the crunchy leaves and the colors and the leaf peeping (is that something we do now?); spring has the opposite! Bright, new leaves, baby animals everywhere, and happy flowers that pop up out of the snow, like daisies!
Spring has the days that start out cloudy and gloomy, and gradually brighten up and get warmer – all you need is a light sweater! Fall has the days that are bright and clear and crisp from the get go, and just warm up while still smelling like fireplaces!
On the one hand, spring has all the allergies – the ragweed, the oak…on the other hand, fall has the mountain cedar! It’s just so hard to decide!
However, one way that spring will always win out is that spring has the perfect natural backdrop for spring mini sessions – new tulips! I started coming out to Texas Tulips in Pilot Point for mini sessions after we moved back to the area last year, and I’m SO GLAD I did!! This farm is cute, quaint, and it has tulips that you can pick in the springtime!
I had 2 sweet and adorable families join me this year, and we had an awesome time! Last year, it rained for weeks beforehand, so we were fighting the muddy ground and gross shoes the whole time. This year, it was dry, warm(ish) and a little windy, and we had beautiful light, as you can see!
I absolutely loved getting to hang out with these great and energetic kids and their excited parents! One of them commented how they picked tulips pictures over bluebonnet pictures this year, and I’m so glad they did! I can’t wait to see them all again soon, if not for fall pictures, then for spring pictures next year!
P.S. Bonus points to you if you can tell me where all 3 of the movie/tv references in this post are from!