Some of my favorite memes and posts on the interwebs are the ones that show pictures of people as stereotypes for cities! Sounds silly, but if you know the area, it’ll make you giggle! Like for the fancy, hoity-toity Highland Park in Dallas has a picture of a lady with perfectly done hair and nails driving a Range Rover with her Coach purse in the front seat! Denton, Texas, on the other hand, is funky, quirky, and unconventional, much like Austin, Texas (for those in the know)!
Denton – Everyone is a musician (thanks to the giant music school at University of North Texas), everyone is a little weird, and it’s always casual Friday! Thanks to this super cute family, I got to explore a tiny, out-of-the-way spot that epitomizes Denton – The Chairy Orchard!
It’s an adorable and unique place that features chairs of all shapes and sizes, organized into pathways that let you explore all sorts of nooks and crannies, or just sit and relax awhile! You can take or leave a chair, and many people have left chairs that have fun and beautiful designs! My personal favorite – the Starry Night chair, painted to look like Van Gogh’s masterpiece! There’s also a GIANT throne chair, and a teeny tiny chair hidden out of the way that would be a perfect giant throne for ants!
Mariah and Marshall had their maternity session here last year, as they were getting ready to celebrate sweet little M’s arrival, so they wanted to celebrate his 1st birthday here too! How adorable is that?? Mr. M was so much fun at our session! He kept alternating between hamming it up with his toothy grin and giving me his best Blue Steel! At one point, we let him hang out in the conveniently placed high chair (thanks, Random Citizen!) and snuck some pictures of just Mariah and Marshall!
To me, it’s always so important to get pictures of just Mom and Dad at their family session. Before they were Mom and Dad, they were husband and wife – partners, friends, and companions! Without that loving relationship, there wouldn’t be this cute little boy, so I always always always try to capture that magic too!
Mariah, Marshall, and Mr. M, I had so much fun hanging out with y’all at this cool new-to-me place! I loved getting to giggle with you, help you push your boundaries a little (family dancing, anyone?), and capture the love you have for each other! This stage in your lives is so short-lived, so thank you so much for letting me help you preserve your memories for your future! I can’t wait to work with y’all again soon!