One of the (very few) downsides to being a primarily natural light photographer is that I’m dependent on the weather to be able to shoot sessions outside. The day of this session was predicted to be a 1% chance of rain with a balmy 75 temp! Ha. There was cold wind and persistent mist the ENTIRE day! I didn’t want to go out in that weather, much less risk this sweet family’s fabulous hair and sweet giggles to the elements!

The Gaylord Texan Resort to the rescue! Every time I have a session here, I fall more in love with it! (See another beautiful Gaylord session HERE!) The marble everywhere, the beautiful staircases, the riverwalk and water features, the little nooks and crannies for kids to play in, and the unique ways they surprise their guests are so amazing! (Since we were there right before Halloween, they had a scavenger hunt with all sorts of animals all over the atrium! So neat!)
This adorable family was so much fun to work with! Big sister S loved following Mr. G around and looking at all the fun things with him! (He was especially entranced with the giant, several-stories tall fountain in the middle of the atrium!) Their big ol’ smiles really show how excited they were the whole time we were together! Mom didn’t have to pull out her “mom voice” until the very end of the session! (I was really impressed, my mom voice always shows up a lot sooner! 🤣)

Whenever I have a family session, one of my favorite parts is taking a few minutes to focus on Mom and Dad and get pictures of them together, just the two of them. It’s super important to me (especially as a mom), since before they were Mom and Dad, they were husband and wife! As wonderful as it is having family pictures, I consider it just as meaningful to have pictures of the two people who started the family!
Sweet A Family, you guys kept me giggling the whole time we were together! My cheeks were seriously killing me behind my mask halfway through, so thanks for that! I loved getting to capture your family’s unique dynamics, and I hope I did it justice! I can’t wait until the next time I get to work with y’all, and I get to see how huge S and G have gotten! Enjoy your pictures! 💖