I’m so excited to be sharing today’s Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center family session with you. The Varis family was a super sweet family and I’m thrilled I was able to work with them (and their cute dog!). I met the Varis family last year when I was doing fall minis, but I had only met some of the family. So, when they reached about doing another session while their oldest was home from school, I was excited to get them on the calendar! We met up at this gorgeous Denton TX park for our session and it was just perfect! If you’re wondering where to go for your portraits, let’s talk about Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center. The light is always beautiful, there’s paths, and gorgeous prairies. Something for everyone!
When we were beginning to plan their session, the Varis family asked about bringing their dog to the session. Of course, I was beyond ecstatic about that! I love when my families bring their pups to their sessions. As a former dog, seal and sea lion trainer, working with animals is always exciting to me. Sometimes it’s even more fun than their human family members (I’m just joking!), but seriously… I’m always down for it. It turns out that the entire Varis family agrees their pup is their mom’s favorite “kid”… and they weren’t kidding. When the Varis family arrived, their little dog had a handkerchief on that matched their mom’s dress, ha! It was hilarious.

As a mom of three girls, this session was also really special to me too. Although my girls are much younger, it’s exciting to see the relationships that my daughters could have one day. These three beautiful girls had such a sweet relationship. I loved watching them laugh together, it might have been the best part of the whole session to me! We also took the time to capture portraits for their youngest daughter’s 8th birthday. It was so much fun to show off her balloons and cute dress in some portraits all about her!!
To the Varis family, thank you so much for working with me for your family photos! I loved getting to know you all a little better – especially your sweet dog. It was so much fun working with you six!

Want to see more family sessions? Check out these sweet sisters in this in home lifestyle session in Richardson.
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At Abbie Road Photography, I have been capturing joyful and perfectly imperfect couples and families both new and old for years! It would be my joy and delight to work with you and share the magic in your lives!